Body Armor


I have become a lot more aware of the water I drink in the last couple of years. I think Body Armor is a fantastic water. I believe the water you drink does matter. I think the filtration process Body Armor uses is really good. I believe it's good to drink alkaline water, there is evidence that suggests that raising the PH of your body helps your overall health. Having a balanced PH helps our bodies heal and function properly. Also, as an athlete I’ve realized that hydration is very important. Your body can get dehydrated, especially as an athlete and this can cause various health issues. Certain waters allow you to absorb water you drink more effectively and hydrate you better and Body Armor is one of them. 


I would also recommend Life Water and Essentia water.

Also, Crystal Geyser is really great if you're looking for a cheaper option for good water.

Life Water —>

Essentia -->

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