Uncanny X-Men #171

Reading Chris Claremont‘s writing was like discovering a father I never knew. There were just so many things I loved about the X-men that he actually developed or helped develop. Things like the characters  and how they grew or story plots that he was a huge part of masterminding. So it's just been amazing reading these stories. I love this particular issue because there is a moment in the issue that I feel encapsulates what the X-men stand for and just for me it was this wow moment of like "oh, man I related to that, I want that, and I want to live my life like that". Also rogue and her origin that intertwines with Captain Marvel is pretty fascinating.( most of his wrtitting is good, but good places to start are when he started his run around issue 100. Also the mutant massacre, the phoenix saga and the brood storylines.)

P.S. This Comic and around 30,000 are available to read with a Marvel Unlimited subscription.

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